hello sillies!
if your are reading this then you probably want to know more about me and that alone is just... wow. i need a moment to process that.
anyway, as some of you already know - my name is lucie. i'm 19 years old uni freshman and in my free time i watch anime or write stories i made up in my head before falling asleep.
i am not planning to publish a book, but i've promised little me i would write one. and i wish to make her dreams come true.

basics she/her | demisexual and bisexual | infj | cancer | basil kinnie | i speak czech, english and spanishlikes writing, anime/manga, classic literature, tea, chemistry, birds, ghibli, omori, drawingdislikes math, hot weather, mushrooms, stress


name wait for the sunsetstatus first draft (16k)genres antiutopian fiction, psychological novel- "maybe I wasn't meant to be human."


aka things i could talk about for hoursanime/manga bungou stray dogs, moriarty the patriot, chainsaw man, vanitas no carte, sk8 the infinity, spy x family, jujutsu kaisen, owari no seraph, tokyo ghoul, banana fish, junji ito storiesbooks never let me go, the road, a little life, the picture of dorian gray, frankenstein
